I had the pleasure of being asked to photograph a proposal for the first time! I was so excited and nervous for Nate, and me capturing the moment too. Nate was originally planning on proposing at the bandstand and I was prepped with roses and fairy lights to decorate it but unfortunately, I had to message Nate and change plans.
This wasn’t the only time plans had been changed for this proposal as Nate was hoping to propose in Sicily! Of course with everything going on this couldn’t happen so instead The Walks in Kings Lynn was the location of choice as they used to walk there when they first met. How sweet!
One thing I learnt from this experience is that I am not suited for being sneaky, I thought I was being so obvious staring at them waiting for the signal – Nate putting his umbrella down. However, I wasn’t so obvious as I don’t think he was sure if I was there! As it was so last minute I hadn’t thought that he wouldn’t know what I looked like haha.
It all went to plan though, and Barbara thought it was perfect nonetheless. Weddings might be postponed at the moment, but love certainly isn’t. What an honour amongst everything going on to be able to capture such a sweet and loving moment. Hearing Barbara shout with glee ‘I’m engaged!’ was so lovely, they were both beaming! I don’t think it could have gone any better.
Turned out there was no need for any big set up, just two people who love each other.
Massive congratulations to Nate and Barbara! It was a pleasure to meet you both and be a part of such a special event in your relationship.
P.s the ring is blooming beautiful!
Now for the main event – please enjoy watching this wonderful moment unfold.
Thank you for taking a look – I hope it put a smile on your face.
Love conquers all,
Lucy x